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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Efficatious Vision - Journal entry No.2

I recently purchased a workbook online from  It is called Intentional Leadership.  It is a
workbook for a whole year - giving different themes to work on each month.  The first month is about vision.  How appropriate.  When I saw the title and themes - knowing it was perfect for my year's theme, I had to get it.  I know that this will not only help me to grow professionally, but also personally.  Today, the topic was personal vision.  It mentioned that to lead others well, one also has to lead him/herself well.  To be most effective, my actions need to be aligned under the banner of a consuming vision.  Right now, my consuming vision is FOCUS: Living my life with purposeful intention (in all areas of my life).

So, with that all being said, I have to write that this last month has proved to be efficacious in moving life into better focus.  We purchased a new stove for the kitchen - which was long overdue.  Our old stove was becoming a fire hazard with one burner not working and another burner making that funny sound (zzzztttt, zzzzztttt) when it comes on.  Now, I can cook without worrying about burning the place down!

I also cleaned out my closet.  I mean....I went through ALL of my clothing.  If I haven't worn it, it went.  If it doesn't fit (within 1 size) - it went.  If I don't like the way it looks on me, it went.  I was amazed that after all that purging, I still had clothing left on the rack and in the drawers!  Now to purchase with intention. I decided the first place to start was with my gift card I received at Christmas (to NY&Co).  Since they were having their blowout sale, I did pretty well - 2 dress shirts, 1 jacket/blazer and 1 sweater.  One of my coworkers told me she purchases one item each paycheck to help spread out the cost.  I like this idea a lot.

Next, I started working out again.  My workplace has a gym at the building next door that we can use at no cost -- and, it is completely remodeled!  I will tell you that I am in pain - but it is the good kind of pain.  The pain that you know is stretching and growing muscles.  I hate and love it at the same time.  I am up to a fast paced walk alternating with a jog on the treadmill (or outside if it's nice weather).  My goal is to be able to jog 2-3 miles regularly - without feeling like I am about to die.

One of the questions in my workbook asked, "Think about what may be preventing you from confidently believing in your personal vision.  What is it?"  I think my answer was, simply put, me (and my actions not aligning up with my vision).  We are all our own worst critic.  We stop believing in our visions for many different reasons; past hurts/failures, time constraints, listening to "the committee" (which is really everyone else's opinions) and an unclear or undefined vision.

Today's workbook reading is a reminder to me to keep my actions aligned with my vision - even the small actions.   That is the way I will keep believing in my vision.  My actions make my vision become efficacious and I begin to live out my life with authenticity and purpose!

Align.  Believe.  Efficacious Vision.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Focus in 'Fourteen - Journal entry no.1

I still can't believe it is 2014.  Funny how time goes by faster as you get older.  I've decided that this year is going to be about FOCUS: Living my life with purposeful intention.  I know that is broad and covers many subjects - but that is intentional as well.

I think I need to focus on who I am and want to be.  I am going to be 40 this October - which is making me re-evaluate all of life.  I feel like I have lost some of who I am over the years - just by letting life happen and not living with intention. I was to live my full authentic self (and all that can mean) and not care about what anyone else thinks about it.  I know that it my sound a little shallow - but I want to be happy.  Happy with myself, my clothes, my hair, my work, in love, in friendships and the list goes on.  I need & desire to be complete in my body, mind and spirit.  I think it is so easy to get into the routine of life & have a wellspring of authentic thoughts/feelings/desires hidden down deep below the surface of (the everyday routine of) life.  I think the only way to tap into that hidden wellspring is by having time to think and get brutally honest with oneself.   And that is exactly what I want to do this year.

It will require time alone - which is challenging in itself when all the many roles I fill (wife, sister, dtr., boss, coworker, friend, etc.) are screaming for my attention - but I need to make time.  I don't want to be someone who wakes up living a life that just happened to me - I want to live on purpose and with purpose.  So, on the journal pages ahead, I will be exploring all that I am - the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful - and all that it means for my life journey.  Some days, I might be focused on a particular trait, feeling or characteristic but I know there will also be days when my thoughts are all over the place.  And I am totally ok with that!  It is all a part of the process / journey for this next year.   So, here's to FOCUS in 'Fourteen....and to living live with purposeful intention!